Archive for December 13, 2010

Here it is… The Whole Thing – Workshop >>> Webinar

As promised, I have made my workshop from the Angel Capital Summit, Find 10,000 Customers in 10 Seconds, into a Webinar available for anyone that wants to see. This link will be up for one week here on the blog and then next week it will be available for download. The goal is to provide Database Marketing information to anyone that wants to learn. The Webinar is embedded below and it is about 30 minutes.

How it all works…

Check in every Monday for the current Webinar and if you happened to miss any, they are archived and available for download. The information provided is an in-depth look at how to utilize data and create information that allows businesses to make intelligent marketing decisions. Some Webinars will be more useful than others depending on your role and responsibilities.

You are responsible for keeping it FREE…

In order to get to the Webinar FREE, watch it within the week. I love FREE as much as the next guy and if you subscribe the blog or check back on Mondays, you will always be able to listen at no cost. This is just the beginning and eventually we will have a virtual library of archived Webinars.

Looking down the road…

Every so often the Webinars will be live since the best ones are interactive. We are initially putting out topics we feel are important and eventually the audience will decide the topics based on what you want to learn. They say to give the people what they want so check out the first episode and see what you think. Feedback is welcome and the blog provides an area for comments.

Please give feedback and suggestions…

If you pay attention to the tides, you will see a shift back to some marketing tactics of the 90s. I find this interesting because I have been working with data at some level since the beginning of my career. Direct Marketing, Database Marketing, and CRM solutions are going strong and it is important that you understand processes and tactics before you can embrace them. I talk a lot about collaboration and it is also important to have a good understanding of the “why” not necessarily the “how”. I know why my car runs but I have no idea how it is accomplished.

December 13, 2010 at 7:12 pm Leave a comment

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December 2010

Database Marketing Articles


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